The Broadcasting Organisations of Nigeria (BON) is a broad coalition of public and private broadcasters as the nation’s umbrella Union of Terrestrial Radio Television (Tv) Direct-To-Home (DTH) Digital Terrestial Television (DTT) Multimedia Distribution System (MMDS)
Established in 1973, the Broadcasting Organisations of Nigeria is today comprised of over 100 members and they collectively own over 250 radio and television stations. BON’s vision is to foster a future-proof environment for radio, TV and new media broadcasters to serve their audiences and contribute to the development of our society
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Investiture Ceremony of the Chairman and Vice Chairman

Our Partners
The Nigeria Broadcast Awards

Photos of past General Assembly
77th General Assembly of BON

Frequently asked questions
BON is the acronym for The Broadcasting Organisations of Nigeria (BON).
It is a broad coalition of public and private broadcasters as the nation’s umbrella Union of Terrestrial Radio Television (Tv) Direct-To-Home (DTH) Digital Terrestial Television (DTT) Multimedia Distribution System (MMDS)
The objectives of BON we have today are as follows:
- To serve as a meeting point for all Radio and Television Stations, DTH and MMDS.
- To serve as an advisory body to the Federal and State Governments on broadcasting matters.
- To encourage and sustain greater co-operation and collaboration among the broadcasting organizations.
- To seek and utilize available resources for manpower training, research and development, and set training standards.
- To set, regulate and monitor professional standards and ethics of its members.
- BON effective lobbying has successfully prevented burdensome new regulations and fees from being imposed on broadcasters.
- Our advocacy strength is well known in the legislatives, executive arms of government and also other stakeholders.
- Our programmes such as seminars, summits, workshops, conferences help members strengthen their business, build new relationships, stay on top of innovational technologies and information on new business ideas.
- Members get subsidy and discount on training and other professional development programmes.
- We engage technology, legal and financial experts on your behalf to save you money on business products and services.
- We are stronger together.
We will always notify you when we have need to hire
Visit Us
- Block 6, Flat3, Kano Street, Area1, Garki, Abuja
- [email protected]
- (234) 8036492969
- (234) 7066620316